
Sobre nós.

Dra.Débora de Almeida Coelho Haick.

Fonoaudióloga Pós Graduada em Motricidade Orofacial com ênfase em ambiente hospitalar pela Unigranrio-RJ. Graduada pela Universidade Estácio de Sá-RJ.

Atuou como coordenadora da equipe de fonoaudiologia do Hospital Municipal Pedro II nos setores UTI Neonatal, UTI Pediátrica e Alojamento Conjunto.

Consultório particular com áreas de atuação em:
Terapia da Apnéia e Ronco (Não realizamos exame de Polissonografia).
Distúrbios da fala e da deglutição
Atraso de linguagem
Síndromes genéticas
Motricidade Oral
Alterações e Aprimoramentos Vocais
Deficiência Auditiva
Orientações sobre amamentação e aleitamento materno infantil
Distúrbios neurológicos

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

4.4 from 1,400+ reviews


Projects Completed

Odio feugiat erat ut convallis eget ac lectus amet. Diam, volutpat eu in dui etiam nibh. Sed et feugiat pretium nec sed.


Company Growth

Odio feugiat erat ut convallis eget ac lectus amet. Diam, volutpat eu in dui etiam nibh. Sed et feugiat pretium nec sed.


Years of Experience

Odio feugiat erat ut convallis eget ac lectus amet. Diam, volutpat eu in dui etiam nibh. Sed et feugiat pretium nec sed.

Area of Practice


Portfolio Management

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


Performance Reviews

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


Financial Planning

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


Portfolio Management

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


Performance Reviews

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


Financial Planning

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.

Our Amazing Team

Our attorneys are highly experienced and well-versed in a variety of legal areas. Trust in our expertise to achieve the best outcome for your case.

Head Designer & Developer

Laura Michaels

Create stunning WordPress blocks and patterns for beautifully designed websites.

Content Creator

Emily Masters

Effortlessly create WordPress blocks and patterns to enhance your website’s content editor.

Collaborative Workspace

Danielle Weinstein

Easily manage vendors and their content with the powerful content editor provided by our WordPress theme.

Alice Smith

Founder & CEO

Former co-founder of ACME company. Early staff at XYZ. Loves coffee & morning runs.